Word of mouth advertising is by far the most effective because it is coming from a trusted source. If your friend tells you how great a company is, you’re much more likely to try it than if you just saw an advertisement for the company. With this in mind, you should be doing everything you can to get your customers to advertise for you.
There are a number of simple ways you can do this, and they can be extremely effective. Take a moment to read through the following tips on how to get word of mouth advertising to work for your business.
Offer a Referral Bonus
The simplest, and perhaps most effective, option is to offer a referral bonus of some sort. If an existing customer refers a new customer to your business and they make a purchase, you give them a bonus of some sort. It could be a set amount off their next purchase or even something completely free. Referral bonuses have been effective marketing strategies for years, and they will be great long into the future.
Business T-Shirts
Everyone loves a free t-shirt, and many businesses have learned that given how inexpensive they are, it makes sense to give them away to customers. Having a nice looking t-shirt with your company name on it is sure to generate interest in your brand. People will see their friends and family wearing it and may ask about it. Some people will even bring up the fact that they got a free t-shirt at your store.
Sponsor a Team of Event
Sponsoring a team or event is another great way to get people talking about your business. If you sponsor a little league baseball team, for example, the parents are sure to be appreciative and may come to your store to thank you. If you have a larger business, you can sponsor seasonal events like concerts or fireworks displays. Whatever you do, it will generate buzz around your company so people are talking about it.
Bumper Stickers
Offering bumper stickers to your customers is another fun way to get people to do your advertising for you. This is especially effective if you have a niche audience that will stand out to others. While most people won’t put a bumper sticker for a store on their car, some will and each one who does is going to be seen by hundreds or even thousands of people per day.
Social Media
Being active on social media is a great way to get your customers involved in your marketing. If a customer posts something on your company Facebook page, for example, it will likely be seen by many of their friends and family. If they see you offering a good experience to their family member, they will remember that next time they are looking for a product or service that you offer.
Taking the time to think about how you can get your customers talking about your business is certainly time well spent. The more people you have talking positively about your business, the more customers will be walking through your doors.